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Writer's pictureArley Nevar

Grow Your Healing Practice: 3 Business Shifts for Sustainable Income

Modern Richcraft on Substack

What can a Tantrika- turned-Tech Witch teach you about building sustainable, reliable income and escaping the feast-or-famine cycle?

If you're working one-on-one with clients in a modality that deepens the longer you work with someone…

And you're damn good at what you do...

But sales and marketing remain a mystery...

Then I can teach you how to complement your magic with actionable steps that will fulfill your vision of financial abundance. (Magic + Mundane = Results. I’ve got all the mundane you need.)

I've been a solopreneur since before it was a buzzword. I've built a successful career in the 9-to-5 world of sales, marketing, and growth operations, and I'm currently the Head of Content at a software company while running my own consulting practice.

Everything I've learned about increasing revenue in the business world has become a list of "I wish I knew this when I was a bodywork provider."

Truthfully, there are no business books written for tarot readers, massage therapists, or chakra aligners. Most modern masculine money advice targets the mainstream, making it feel impossible to find business growth wisdom that aligns with your highest good and personal values.

That's why I'm sharing everything I've learned—translated specifically for the healing arts. If you're where I once was, you can create all the abundance you dream of while practicing your gift and doing what you love.

I believe service providers like you are doing the essential healing work that humanity needs right now. I'm here to support you so you never have to waste your gifts at a "job" again.

In this article, I'll introduce you to three concepts that will transform your practice and help you find the path of least resistance in business growth:

  1. Repeat business is more profitable than constantly bringing in new clients.

  2. Booking their next session is YOUR responsibility, not your client's.

  3. Systems are the key to keeping income constant and finally escaping the feast and famine cycle.

Stop chasing new clients 

Which of the following puts more money in your pocket? 

A. Three new customers each coming in for one session over the course of 3 months.


B. One customer coming back again for three sessions over the course of 3 months.

It’s sort of a trick question. If they’re all paying the same amount per session, three sessions is three sessions, right? Wrong. 

It costs more money ( or time) to bring in a new client than to bring back a repeat client. Most providers don’t consider this cost because of the most common fatal mistake in business - forgetting time is money. 

If I could get you to fully understand just one single line to turn your life around, it’s this one: 


Texting back and forth to set an appointment = money. 

Thinking of the right caption for your IG video = money. 

Responding to questions about your services = money. 

Every action you take that takes time in order to book a client is money that you need to consider the cost of acquiring that customer. In the business world, we call it “CAC” for Customer Acquisition Cost. (Creative, right? lol.) 

In big business, CAC is calculated with dollars. For instance, if a company spent $3000 on advertising and from that ad they brought in 3 new clients, the CAC for each of those clients was $1000. It cost them $1000 per client to bring in new business. 

In your business, you’re likely spending more time than dollars, but you need to calculate it just the same or you’ll easily lose sight of what it’s really costing you.  

If you spent 3 hours total creating a social media post, responding to comments, answering questions in the DMs, and finally texting back and forth to schedule an appointment, and you make $100 per hour on average, then it cost you (3 x 100 =) $300 to bring that new customer in. If they book 2 hours with you, you’ve literally lost money. You’re in the negative $100 now because they paid you $200, but you paid $300 worth of your time to get them to come in. 

But, next time they book with you, if it only takes a 10 minute text conversation to get them booked (because they already know you and know what to expect), that only cost you $16.66 of your time. So, from their second two hour session, you’re profiting $183.34 (that’s $200 - $16.66).

Is the math mathing? Can you see how bringing back repeat clients costs less than attracting new ones? 

The bottom line is: 

  1. It always costs you something to bring a customer in the door. 

  2. It costs you more to bring a new customer in than a repeat customer. A lot more. 

So, what do you do about it? Cross your fingers and hope every customer you see comes back? I bet that’s what you’re doing right now. But, there’s a better way. 

Take responsibility for rebooking. Every. Single. Time. 

I have a spell you can use to double your money every time someone pays you for a session. 

You don’t need any oil, crystal, or even a circle cast. All you need is this 5 word incantation: 

“Let’s book your next session.” 

Spending 3 minutes to have this conversation at the end of every session is the single cheapest way to book a session. It’s also the surest way to a full appointment book. Imagine if every customer you ever saw came back to you on a regular basis. How many more clients would you actually need to make the money you want to make? Would you even need any more? Or would you be totally booked all the time? If you’ve been working at your craft for several years, you wouldn’t be able to keep up with demand. 

So, why are you still looking for ways to grow? Why are those 5 words so scary to say? Getting to the bottom of that question is one of the common issues I work through with my clients. Every provider has their own hangups about it. If you’re interested in unpacking yours, let me know. 

Whatever your block may be around this issue, we can find the way forward. Your clients need your services more than once in their lives. They’re missing out if you’re letting them walk away and never come back. 

One provider I coached told me she didn’t want to “ruin the moment” at the end of session when her client is in a blissful state. My response? There’s no other state where they would be more enthusiastic to make plans for more bliss! Rebook them then!!! It’s the most perfect time! 

Somewhere in patriarchal history, womxn were taught that we should avoid looking pushy at all costs. And somehow, even if what we’re offering is transformative, life changing, toe curling bliss - we’ve decided that if we get paid well for it, it’s pushy to offer it too directly to others. We have to wait til they decide on their own to come back to us. 

That’s bullshit. Erase that brainwashing from your mind forever. 

It is your responsibility to make sure your clients are coming back to you for all the help they need. End every single session with your book open, penciling in their next session. 

“You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems” - James Clear

Like any good millennial with ADHD, I’ve consumed years worth of books, youtube videos, and blog posts about building healthy habits and discipline. One thing that has consistently helped me focus on forward movement towards my goals in my personal life and career is building a system. 

A system doesn’t have to be complicated or high tech. It simply has to make the sequence of steps you need to take a series of steps that follow each other so naturally, you’re immediately doing one as soon as you finish another - without even thinking about it.  

My morning sink routine is a great illustration of a simple system that keeps me on track without having to think about it. My toothbrush is next to my toothpaste, next to my face wash, next to my eye cream, next to my moisturizer, right above the drawer with my toner and cotton swabs. I wash my face, put the goods on it, and brush my teeth before I’ve even formed a fully developed thought every morning. It’s all right there, the steps are repetitive, and no decision needs to be made.

I’ve built this system into my routine over the years and I can do it with my eyes closed.

Does that sound ridiculously simple compared to what you thought a “business growth” system might entail? Maybe you’re looking for a quick fix or have unrealistic expectations. Let’s stick with the morning routine analogy to see what I mean. 

What if I told you I had a way to magically remove wrinkles and lighten your teeth by 10 shades over night? Unrealistic quick fix, right? It would obviously require a super expensive, potentially invasive series of procedures. 

What if I told you I had a way to help you age gracefully, developing wrinkles at a slower pace than average, while your teeth stay strong well beyond the age where most senior citizens start to need dentures? Seems like something that might realistically be accomplished by using a handful of products religiously every single morning, right? 

I don’t sell overnight face lifts. But, I do know of a million different ways to build a daily system that will consistently move the needle on your business. Whatever your goal, as long as it’s realistic, there is a system that will sustainably get you there. 

Here’s an example of one I’ve prescribed for many of my clients: 

Ideal Schedule / Empty Hours 

  1. Write out the exact schedule you would work if you knew every hour in that work schedule would be filled with a paying client. This is your “Ideal Schedule.” 

  2. Start working that schedule. Anytime you find yourself within that schedule without a client, that’s your “Empty Hours.”  

  3. During Empty Hours, you don’t get free time to scroll your phone, clean your house, or run errands. Your Empty Hours are hours you wish you were working with a client. So, you can spend those hours only on activities that will bring you clients. Empty Hours are for all the things you claim you “don’t have time to do” to work on your business. If it’s in your Ideal Schedule, it’s business time. Work on your business. 

  4. During Empty Hours: 

Call, text, or DM all clients you haven’t seen in 3+ months. Ask how they’re doing, mention something about their last session, and let them know you’re eager to work on [something specific] in their next session. Then, ask if they’re able to come in [specify a time slot]. For example: “Hey, Sam, how has your sciatica been the past few months? I felt some tension release the last time you were here and I know if we keep working at it, you’ll get some longer lasting relief. Are you able to come in this Tuesday at 4 for an hour?” Rinse, and repeat. 

Challenge yourself to see how many of your Empty Hours you can fill in a week. If you’ve got a long enough list, you might be able to fully book your Ideal Schedule in just a couple of weeks. 

Then, by using the incantation: “Let’s book your next session,” you can keep it full forever. 

How does that feel to you? Does it sound scary? Do you have mental blocks around it? Or did the energy just click into place? 

Let me know what comes up for you, and if there is anything I can do to support. 

If you’re interested in working one-on-one with me to build the best system to grow your business, you can book here. 

If you’ve got questions you’d like to see me create content about, leave a comment! I love hearing from you about what’s on your mind, and what kind of content you find helpful. 

Wishing you all the love and abundance, 


Arley Nevar

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